create movement

Apply for our partner programme and help people move forward.

Our platform is open to inspiring Moving Humans who want to help others move forward! Can you strengthen our concept and training programmes, e.g. with trainings about vision development, storytelling, media, and/or presentation? Then we'd be happy to enlist you as a trainer/coach on our platform. Sharing is an important part of our philosophy. The more we combine our strengths, the greater the movement we can create together.

Professionals who have proven they can engage others in their story. And who know how to transfer their knowledge and insights effectively. In other words: experienced Moving Humans who can help others find their story, voice, style, and persuasive power, continuously aiding in their development.

Based on equal partnership. You provide the service, we offer the platform to excel. There's no employment contract, nor exclusivity involved. We collaborate based on a shared philosophy, integrity, and mutual agreement. For our share in the service provision, we charge a reasonable commission.

If we decide to work together, we will ask you for your training offering and available dates, which we will promote on our platform. We'll provide you with a dashboard with your bookings and earnings, ensuring you always have an up-to-date overview.

Let's get acquainted first. Please submit the form below so we can get in touch and schedule a (online) appointment. If we both like what we hear, we can proceed to set up the collaboration further. Let’s get moving!

Partner programme application