The highest level at which a human being can function is that of insight, creativity and motivation. The growth towards this is like a glass with three layers of water – you fill the layers one by one. According to Canadian sociologist Malcolm Gladwell, those who excel at something take at least 10,000 hours to reach the top tier. Watch the video to find out how.

Besides your glass of knowledge , there are two more: those of making and doing. And just as water cannot be captured, your development as a human being is also a fluid process. Your knowledge mixes with experience, insight, creativity and motivation. And just because you've reached a high level doesn't mean you never have to go back down to replenish your base layer. You will also regularly move from one glass to another – and back again. They are communicating vessels that always create a flow .

10,000 hours is the magic number of greatness – Malcolm Gladwell
In his book Outliers, sociologist Malcolm Gladwell cites research from which he concludes that people who excel at something, such as top musicians, chess grandmasters or top athletes, have put at least 10,000 hours of intensive training into their experience layer. Of course, this theory is being debunked on the internet, but anyone who has ever entered a practical world just holding a diploma knows that knowledge alone is not enough. Only through the combination of training, practicing, doing and experiencing, over and over again, does a person grow to the highest level of development.