Take the change capability test
To make new plans or methods work, it is essential to involve the organisation early and gain broad support. How good is your hospital's or healthcare institution's:
- narrative and motivational ability?
- practice of involving people and getting them on board?
- way of activating change and keeping it alive?
This test consists of 3 sets of 7 questions about these often underrated subjects. After each set you will see an intermediate result. At the end you will get an overview with possible improvements, which you can email to yourself.
Give honest answers, this will help you gain better insights into your organisation's situation. Your answers are confidential and will only be shared with you.
Nothing wrong with the storytelling
The storytelling part is quite good
The story could be better
The story needs attention
You're good at engaging people
You're not bad at engaging people
The way of involving people can be improved
Improve the way you engage people
You know how to activate
Your activation is not too bad
You can grow in activation
Let's activate
Click to email this score + more detailed observations to yourself.
Email the resultsGet more than just your personal opinion. Ask your colleagues to take this test too and talk about the results. This will give you a broader perspective on the change capacity of your organisation. We are happy to support you in this.
What's often forgotten
in change processes
A good plan is not enough. Let people feel why it is necessary. Motivate from within, put the goals of those involved first. Don't tell a standard story, but offer an inspiring mindset that appeals to people in their own situation.
How good are your narrative and motivational skills?
Every organisation has people who embrace change, but also those who resist it. And yet you can convince even the biggest sceptic, if you understand what drives him or her. Recognise patterns, use different persuasion tactics and get people on board.
How well can you engage people and overcome resistance?
A single explanation won't get results. Make sure the change process is visible and alive within the organisation. Campaign, celebrate mistakes and successes, put people in the spotlight. This way you prevent attention from waning, or the change process from being drowned out everyday issues.
Do you know how to activate an organisation?
You inspire people and give them the confidence that they can do it. Plus the motivation to get the best out of it.
You get people to join forces, come up with solutions and do great things together.
You encourage people to prove themselves during change, to help others, to learn something new, to distinguish themselves.
You get a smoother process in which people strive for common goals, celebrate successes and mistakes. And learn from each other.
You establish a positive culture of change that leads to greater productivity, sustainable progress and long-term success.
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